Best ways for post pregnancy weight loss

Hi everyone

There is the most challenging task post pregnancy is weight loss for new mums. I didn’t put on so much weight during my pregnancy and that’s why I reduced the extra pounds easily without doing much.

I must say pregnancy doesn’t mean you just start eating a lot, you just need more healthy things now. So here are a few things you can do.

1. Don’t eat for two during pregnancy
You are pregnant, congrats. People say start eating for two persons. That’s totally rubbish. You just have to eat healthy things and just for yourselves. If you eat a lot that will make you fat. Your baby needs very little, you eat according to your diet and trust me that will be enough for you two. If you eat too much you gain a lot and you just want those extra pounds to be gone easily that will become very tough.
2. Breastfeeding

This is the best tool for weight reduction post pregnancy. You should breastfeed your baby 6 months exclusively that’s is very healthy for your baby and for you too. If you are breastfeeding your baby you will reduce automatically.  Even after 6 months, you should continue this until 18 months of your baby.
3. Start yoga

Your routine becomes very hectic after baby. You have no time for yourself but you can start after 6 months. In that duration, you have some control over your life. Your baby follows a routine according to your lifestyle. So manage your routine so that you can do yoga at least. That will be very helpful for you to achieve your weight loss.

4. Healthy Diet

Always stick to the healthy diet whatever circumstances become. It doesn’t mean you start following a crash diet or keto diet, don’t go for these but only follow healthy options available every time. You should focus on weight loss as well as to be strong is also a very important thing.
5.Drink water

I think this I don’t have to say about. Actually, water has many quantities in itself. It will be very good for your body your skin your pain reduction your breastfeeding process and for your weight loss too. You should have 8-10 glasses of water. If you forget to have, you have a mobile phone alarm will be helpful for you.


My healthy weight loss journey: fat to fit part-3

Thank you.

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