Teething steps, it’s problems and how to make it easy for them

Hey Everyone

The first tooth is really a big event for you and your child.  Sometimes it becomes a celebration like feeling(in the case of delayed teething). Parent must be aware of its process so that it becomes a comfortable process for them.
Teething is really a painful job for babies as well as parents. I feel this is the most caring phase for a baby. They really want love affection and attention at this point in time. So here quirky woman gives you a brief introduction about teething, its timeline its problems and the main thing How to make it easy for them.
So starting from with an introduction of the teething process.
This is the phase when a teeth eruption takes place from gums for the first time. They look so adorable in two-three tiny teeth, aren’t they?
The cuteness is overloaded with the tiny teeth but this phase carries a lot of pain for them. This is not very easy for our babies.
Teething age timeline
Mostly you can see the first eruption takes place at 4-10 months of age. Generally at 6 months.
But if your baby is 12 months of age and doesn’t have a tooth then don’t worry. It is normal. Delayed teething occurs due to family genetics Unhealthy foods Hypothyroidism etc.
Don’t worry just to make sure about its food and nutrition values.
After 14 months if you don’t find a tooth then go to the pediatrician for sure.
Signs Of Teething
I copied this from Wikipedia as it is the same in most cases, the symptoms aren’t the same for every baby, but they may include:
  • Swollen, tender gums
  • Fussiness and crying
  • A slightly raised temperature (less than 101 F)
  • Gnawing or wanting to chew on hard things
  • Lots of drool
  • Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
Teething problems and solutions

It is full of problems actually. This phase is very painful for babies as well as parents.
There are no hard and fast rules for soothing this process but there are some rules that generally works well. You must try different things to make it comfortable. I have also tried many things on my daughter.
Something cold really really works for swollen and tender gums. It can be cold cloth or pacifiers or frozen teething toys. just make sure they are clean and hygienic.
babies love to chew at this time so you can give some sweet crackers or honey. also, massage their gums with your clean finger or soft cloth.
I generally prefer to use honey on my fingertips for rubbing her gum. something cold for soothing.
Some doctors give medication also for relaxing pain and irritability but I would say try to use some of the above tips.
Give your suggestions in the comment below, if any work for you and I haven’t mentioned here.

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