Hi Moms
If you lactate properly then the only problem is feed your baby every two hrs approximately. You feel like you are doing only one task that is breastfeeding. This is very hectic job you lost all of your body vitamins and minerals while breastfeeding so you have to take calcium and iron pills till you do breastfeeding.
And always take care for the positions of breastfeeding as it will make you sick guys. Always take support and pillows while breastfeeding and drink too too too much of water.
If you don’t lactate that much then you feel very guilty and all. Guys don’t feel like that its a natural process you can’t do anything in that. Then you have to give formula milk. That is also a tedious task.
Take 3-4 bottles and sterilize the bottles after every use and breastfeed too.
Try to eat healthy things like dalia oats fenugreek spinach etc. These are the breast milk producing foods.
Baby needs a mother more than father just because of feeding and the emotional attachment, skin to skin attachment. Baby feels more comfortable with you than anyone else. They are new to this world and they know only you their mother. so don’t hate your partner, take help form them if you feel anything.
You can take maternity leave but that too depends where you were working. That’s completely change your life you can’t leave your baby easily.
You lose your confidence and feel helpless many times. That’s normal dear you are not alone. Have patience time changes and your time will definitely come.
So many women start hating themselves and you know you can’t look like before that is the fact and you should accept it. Clothes will not look good now and many things will make you feel irritated but what you can do is just wait for the right time so that you can start working out and feel good.
You have a big responsibility, so make the baby and yourself on first priority then the other things. Don’t make yourself exhausted for cleaning and organisations.
These are the good things but you don’t have enough time and calibar now. You should take care of yourself. Let the house be messy a little.