Hey Everyone
Hope you all are good with your new ones. Enjoy every moment, it is the best moments of your life.
There are a lot of things that make your life very hectic. You have a lot of work to do for your new one and of course your hubby. They also behave like a baby, I think, sometimes.
You have to take care of yourself, but how?
That’s a big question I think. Everyone will say something but you only understand your condition and situation.
I can say every baby is different in some aspects, in their routine and behavior and eating habits. So whatever people suggest, they are suggesting according to their conditions. That doesn’t mean that they are wrong but I must say that may work or may not for you.
So don’t pressurize yourself if that doesn’t work for you. You just have to think HOW? How things can work for you and what are the changes you can make for yourself.
You have to manage somehow because the perfect time never comes. You have to think and do from the very moment. Don’t think you will do after this or that, just go for it. OK, I am coming to the point.
There are few things you can start with:
Meditation is a bliss for you. It will take your mind in a different peace of the state, away from the pain, a dilemma that a new mom faces, being a first-time mom.
No matter you do it in the morning or evening or full stomach or empty stomach. Just start yourself for your betterment. If you don’t find time just to focus on your breathing process. Inhale and exhale that’s it.
I will discuss how to meditate in my next post.
The difficulty you face make your mind very sad and rude which have a direct impact on the behavior of a newborn. As I said, Kids are the reflection of our behavior.
Try to get up early in morning, have a walk for at least half an hour in fresh air. Meditate for a while, try to get in touch with your kid in the lap. Take early morning Rays which will improve vitamin D of your newborn.
Then after that, you can do PRANAYAMAS like Kapalbhati or Anulom Vilom.
Use some acupressure exercises on your hands and legs. It is a science actually, There are some points in our hand and leg, that are directly connected to our internal organs. You just have to find your problem point. When you press those points regularly, that may solve your problems and give you relief.
If you follow this, you will definitely get a lot of relief in your Body and mind.
Thank You.
Even thought I don't have a little one anymore, I remember there were several days of pressure. Even without children in the house, there is pressure. Great ideas to help release them. My fav way is to walk.
I've been so slack with yoga and meditation, at one point I was meditation twice a day and it completely change my life, relaxed me, made me more calm and aware. I really need to stop procrastinating and start doing it again.
Thanks for the great ideas and reminders!
Yes…it really affects a lot. Thank you
Thank you..one should follow any of the above..
not so much into yoga or meditation, but in my opinion everyone should find his way of stress relief… mine is dancing on my longboard 🙂
These are some very interesting points for new mamas. I went through some baby blues with both of my boys. Great advice.
I have recently got into yoga and pilates. I must admit I prefer the more dynamic yoga type, still have problems with totally silencing my brain. Would love try meditation for my anxiety.
Meditations and yoga is something that I practice daily and believ in. It's totally works to calm and gives you clarity
Walk is what i usually do when i need to unwind. Running and biking too but i haven't done it in ages. I should try yoga!
yes exactly…should find a way for yourself
thanks. I hope you try these
yeah…Meditation will help you for anxiety..
These are really must do things for anyone
You should start yoga and meditation. This will change your life i can say
Im a first time mom and I'll try everything you have here I guess it'll help feel relieved of stree somehow. Ill share this to help other moms too.
I've never tried meditation, I've heard so many people rave about it, I may have to give it a try. For me I love to go for a walk, first thing in the morning.
I’m not really into yoga, but I can say that as a new(er) mom, taking long walks really helped me to decompress and return back home with a sense of peace and clarity. Thanks for the tips!
Walking, hiking and kayaking are my ways of finding time for myself.At night when the house is quiet I pull out a good book and curl up with a soft blanket
walking is one of my favorite ways to relax
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
Walking works a lot even for singles! You goy to absorb positive energy outside, refresh your mind to avoid complications.
I've been wanting to have acupressure done professionally. But doing it on my own does relieve some pressure and stress from my body.
These are great tips. I've always wanted to try acupressure for a while now. Meditation is my go to for relief.
It will be helpful for you.. just give a try
You can chose any of the above. Thank you
You are most welcome dear. I wish it will be helpful
Very nice…you are in that process.
Nice..I think everyone has one's choice of doing stress relief
yea..You are absolutely right…
That's really great..
You can do any one of them for stress relief.
Relaxing and meditating has been the best way for my mode to overcome stress for me. It helps me relax a lot.
These are some great tips for new mommies… I am a new mom and I really needed some advice about this… This is a great post 😀
Awesome tips! Love the picture with the easy Acupressure points!
I do not meditate, but I like walking early in the morning, by the sea. It is very rechargeable. Or is it also a kind of meditation?
I couldnt agree more with some of the tips. Walking fixes me so quickly at times when other things are not working at all.
Meditation and long walks personally help me a lot! To relax myself and stay focused on what's really important in my life!
These are all great tips. As a new mom I was just lucky to be able to get some relaxation.
Oh how I needed this reminder. I love yoga but have not gone in a while. I have to get back in there.
yeah.. one should do any of the above for stress relief
you need to do something for yourself. You should decide by your own.
Yes walking is also good for stress relief.
yeah.. thanks
Yeah…I personally feel meditation and walking just do miracle.
Yes..New moms should do any of the above. Thanks
yes you should get back to yoga..that will definitely make you feel good.
I agree with you totally. This is such a nice one on reminding us to be free.. I'm doing all of these (makes me feel like I'm in a right place to be).
It's like you were reading my mind! lol. I'm going to give these a try because I am desperate! Thank you for this!
I agree with you totally. I particularly like the part where you said that our children are a reflection of our behavior.
My favorite thing to do EVERY DAY is wake up really early. Before ANYONE ELSE so I have time for me, and me ALONE. I get so much work done between the hours of 5 and 7:30am, it's wonderful! And then I exercise for another 2 hours, which is ME TIME as well, and then I feel like me! I feel focused and alive for everyone else in my life!
You definitely have to take care of yourself when your a new mom! I loved going for a walk, and I loved taking a bath, too. Great read!
These are some great tips for anyone I think sometimes just getting out there into the outdoors and walking can really make a difference.
I am not a mom yet but I will definitely apply this on my daily routine. I just need to find more ways to meditate without being distracted.
I can definitely testify to Yoga making a HUGE difference in relieving stress. I just wish I had know about it when mine where still babies.
Yes, these techniques mentioned will help to bring you in balance from any pressure or extra loads of responsibility.thanks for sharing
An important break from all the stress is to just sit down and breath and do this good ideas. I love morning walks it makes me feel energized and I find it as a peaceful time for myself.
I've heard so many good things about meditation. Need to give it a try! xo, Suzanne
Walking and prayer are my go to. Thank you so much for this informative post.
I love taking walks and doing "quiet time" for myself rather than "yoga" or "meditation". Thanks for the tips!
I have heard a ton of awesome things about meditation. I used to meditate back on my stressful college days, its been so long. I need to get back into it. Thanks for sharing.
The older I get, the more I enjoy time spent alone. I love time spent in solitude with nothing but my thoughts. It's simply amazing just to hear myself think.
Such great tips! I love getting in a morning walk with my dogs.
Meditation is something that I have always wanted to try. I need something to help with my anxiety for sure.